So today I was wondering how far I've come over the past four years. I realized that four years ago, I was an seventh grader. Back in the day, my sister and I used to play on a website known as "GaiaOnline". As horribly embarrassing as it is, I still admit, it was fun. But more importantly, this odd online gaming website provided me basic experience with graphic design and a rudimentary understanding of how to market a business. The website had nothing to do with running a business, but my sister and I sold "art" to other users who came across our "store" (it was really just a forum). Without further delay, I'll show you what we had! It's funny we even named the store Nirvana and had an 'iScream' theme going (it was summer). The greatest part, however, was the fact that we had AFFILIATES and SPONSORS for our little business. (We pretty much just posted the link to the other shops and they linked back to ours, too. So the objective was to make the most obnoxious affiliate logo possible to attract a wandering customer.)

...weird? Yes. The funniest part is that I'm actually kind of impressed with my younger self. Not bad for a kid who barely understood geometry at the time.